used=false; //out = "win", "loss", or "tie" for your candidate //totv = total votes in entire election //aa = all final overall results data //quickstats = relevant data on candidate performance (format: your candidate's electoral vote count, your candidate's popular vote share, your candidate's raw vote total) music_end = function() { document.getElementById("campaigntrailmusic").pause() document.getElementById("music_player").style.display = "none" } nexte1i = function() { nexte1(); if( == 'initial') { imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0]; if (imgg != null) { imgg.src = ""; } } } backe1i = function() { backe1(); if( == 'none') { imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0]; if (imgg != null) { imgg.src = ""; } } } if(quickstats[0] == 234){ if (used != true) { setInterval(function () { used = true; imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0]; if (imgg != null) { imgg.src = ""; } }, 100); } music_end() return "

Washington, 25 December, 1864.

“Can they stay, pa? Can they?”

You look up from the note you are reading. Your youngest son, Tad, is looking up at you with big eyes, the kind only a child could produce to guilt his father. Behind him, five poor-looking newsboys, crooked grins on all their faces.

You chuckle. “And what’s the meaning of this?” you ask, in your creaky, jestering voice.

“They’re newsies, y’see, and they all gone hungry this Christmastime. I told ‘em, my daddy’s the President, you should come over and eat!”

" } else if(quickstats[0] > 117){ music_end() return "

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!

Bully for you! You have won the presidential election, Mr. Lincoln, and with it the bounties of fate which presage an end to this cruel war. Four long, testing, and terrible years of strife have given way to a new era: a new nation, conceived in liberty, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal—a nation which, thanks to your efforts, will now long endure.

The surrender of the traitorous Confederates is all but assured. In a few precious months, General Grant will accept the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House, and the work of rebuilding these United States will commence. Despite your own doubts going into the summer, the American people have seen fit to place their confidence in the National Union to continue this war to its natural end.

" } else if(aa[0].electoral_votes < 118 && aa[1].electoral_votes < 118){ music_end() return "

No candidate has captured a majority of electoral votes.

By way of your congressional majorities, it is all but guaranteed that you will be confirmed as President despite this outcome. However, this most unlikely of outcomes has heightened tensions across the Union. Already, word comes from New York City of unrest in the streets. McClellan’s motley coalition of War Democrats and Copperheads nearly managed to wrest the seat of power from your party’s hands, and they will see this outcome as a great vindication.

You know, however, that a negotiated peace as they demand is impossible. Your plan from the outset was to save this Union before the beginning of the next Presidential term, and save it you will, regardless of this disappointment. With the election out of the way, you have a free hand to focus on the war, and hopefully any damage done to your legitimacy will be remedied when Savannah is captured. Richmond will be next—you are sure of it.

" } else if(quickstats[0] < 117 && quickstats[0] > 0 && aa[0].candidate == 21){ music_end() return "

O Captain! My Captain!

Damned be. In our nation’s most fateful hour, accursed by war between the states, and with victory so close at hand, you have had the rug pulled out from under you. George McClellan, the Young Napoleon, has somehow bested you.

A terrible catastrophe has befallen these United States when, in time of most desperate need, her people turn away from reason and right, and veer to the whims of ego that will surely give way to a coward’s compromise. The Republican Party, so tenuously held together these months of late, is sure to split as the Radicals find vindication in their criticisms of you. While the capricious McClellan has vowed to see the war through, it is rather more surely to end in a negotiated peace, and thus the failure of your quest to eradicate slavery across the country.

" } else if(quickstats[0] == 0 && aa[0].candidate == 21){ music_end() if (used != true) { setInterval(function () { used = true; imgg = document.getElementsByClassName("person_image")[0]; if (imgg != null) { imgg.src = ""; } }, 100); } return "

You have lost every state, and with it, the War.

You have failed, Mr. Lincoln, and miserably at that. Despite your spirited efforts to retain your post, your political instincts failed you, and not even the dogged persistence of your best generals could save the National Union from a total drubbing in this election. You have outraged those to your flank in the Radical wing, and it is certain that they will seize power within the party after your failure here. Jefferson Davis is rubbing his hands with glee, this result doubtlessly proving a relief at a time where his own prospects seemed to dwindle. Millions of black hands are surely outstretched in lamentation, their fates now sealed.

McClellan will take office in March, by which time you have previously vowed to have this War over and done with. That seems unlikely, as despite the capture of Atlanta, the Union Army appears unable to make further headway in the Western Theater. You have lost the faith of Americans the country over, who have lost so much only to gain so little.

" } else if(aa[0].candidate == 22 && aa[0].electoral_votes > 117) { music_end() return "

“Frémont won?”

“That buffoon, elected President? And by the machinations of General Spacebar, no less?” you said. “I don’t know, I—this cannot be. I must be having a bad dream.”

Soon enough, you had awoken from this most grave nightmare a victor in the election. And just moments thereafter, a summary of the latest telegraph returns detailing the scope of your sweeping re-election was in your hands." } else { return "

well this broke

send information of this to /u/astrohunch_o immediately. this cannot show up on your screen

" }